A is for anthem – earlier this year a bill was before the
Canadian Parliament to change the wording of our national anthem to make it more
inclusive by making it gender neutral. The bill was literally the dying wish of
a Member of Parliament who was suffering from ALS. After more debate than you
might expect, the legislators approved the change from: “in all thy sons
command” to “in all of us command”. But, as if that wasn’t enough of a to do for
one year, at the baseball All-Star Game, one of The Canadian Tenors (well, now
he’s a former member) stunned the crowd when he modified a stanza of the
Canadian anthem to make a political statement that all lives matter.
B is for BACN – my tech friend Sandy introduced me to this concept
– it’s e-mail spam that you signed up for.
C is for census – Canadian residents are required to fill
out a census every five years and 2016 was a census year. Statistical
information from the census guides policymakers. One in four households is
randomly selected to fill out a so-called long-form survey. In 2011, the
government of the day decided to make the long-form census optional. As a
result, the 2011 census data doesn’t lend itself to comparison with previous
censuses and Stats Canada ended up withholding results for over1,000 small
communities because the data was considered unreliable because it was so
lacking. The Trudeau government brought back the long-form this year and
thousands of excited Canadians took to social media to express excitement when
they got the long-form. The fact that Canadians cared was a wonderfully
Canadian feel-good story!
D is for Daesh – always a bit confusing that different news
organizations and politicians use different names for this group. In March, the
Toronto Star explained that it adopted a policy to refer to the group as Daesh
because to call it the Islamic State implies acceptance that it’s a state. Makes sense to me – I wish others would follow
the Star’s example.
F is for fun – in a
news story I found uplifting, two-time
NBA MVP San Antonio Spurs forward Tim Duncan quietly announced his retirement
this July. The announcement was a low-key affair made via phone and when asked
why he was retiring, he said it was because playing wasn’t fun anymore. This
story resonated with me because the topic of retirement has just started making
its way into conversations in my social circle. Now, none of my closest friends
are looking at walking away from jobs that pay them over $5 million/year – but
the idea of quitting something because it’s no longer fun seems like a pretty
good rationale to me.
G is for governor – it so happens Mark Carney, governor of
the Bank of England, is a Canadian who helped steer the Bank of Canada through
the 2008 financial meltdown. I’m sure he thought his new job would come with a
variety of challenges, but I’ll bet tending to the Bank of England as the UK
exits the EU wasn’t on his radar.
H is for Hillary – I was so moved when she said in her
nomination acceptance speech: “When any barrier falls in America, it clears the
way for everyone. After all, when there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit.” Sadly,
her defeat is a stark reminder that the sky’s still not the limit for women.
I is for intestate – dying without a will. (See W below)
J is for journalists – my undergrad degree was journalism
and I was embarrassed by the role the press played in the US election. Nearly everyone
in the mainstream press was content just to follow the Trump show around and
put up with his harassment and disparaging of the press corps rather than stop
ceding airtime to him. What about policy issues ? I know, Trump didn’t have any
– but the only way you’d show that is to continually ask him policy questions.
K is for Kellyanne Conway – according to the Wikipedia page
on her, under the heading “Political views” it says she “views herself as an
activist Gen X woman conservative”. Me, I see her as a smiling, obfuscating
L is for locker room talk – interesting that so many
professional athletes were offended at Donald Trump’s claim that his boasting
to Billy Bush about what he “gets away” with with women because he’s famous was
mere locker room banter.
M is for MacGyver – a friend uses this as a description for
problem solving using a creative approach (when the traditional means fail). I
love it!
N is for naked – We have a “clothing optional” beach in
Toronto. (Yes, we are the Great White North, but it can be warm enough for
swimming!) A controversy about just what “clothing optional” means has
developed – but it’s not what you might expect. Apparently “naturalists” (read:
nudists) interpret “optional” differently. It seems they think people who use the
beach should be required to be completely nude. As a plain language person, I
disagree with their interpretation.
O is for Obama – Michelle Obama’s speech in New Hampshire on
October 13, 2016 about Donald Trump was the speech of my generation – both in
terms of writing and delivery.
P is for Prince – I was terribly saddened by his sudden
death. I think it hit me so hard because he was of my generation. I remember
someone I went to university with who was from Minnesota and she knew him from
high school. And, though I really only know his hits, I never tired of them and
whenever they’d pop up on the radio, I always smiled and sang along.
Q is for the Queen – she turned 90 this year and we had
proof that she’s human when she was “caught” saying that some Chinese dignitary
had been “very rude” to one of Britain’s Ambassadors. Scandalous talk? Hardly –
just proof that the Queen’s just like the rest of us – capable of feeling
irritation at others’ behaviour!
R is for rude – it didn’t take too long for the new
threshold of rudeness in the U.S. to be on display. It became clear for all the
world to see in February when the
NY Post’s front page showed the statue of
liberty giving us the finger with a headline that read: Drop Dead, Ted. Nice…
S is for security briefings – the fact that president elect
Trump has skipped some security briefings is unbelievable. I guess he never
heard the old adage that information is power. Then again, with only 24 hours
in a day and so many tweets to put out, something’s gotta give, right?
T is for truth – one of the most alarming lines of commentary
to come out after the US election is the idea that we’re living in a post-truth
era. That strikes me as just another way of saying that to many, the truth no
longer matters. Frightening idea…
U is for understatement – One of the biggest understatements
of the year was uttered by Charles Kinsey, a behavioural therapist in Miami. He
was attending to a 23-year-old autistic patient who was playing with a toy
truck in the middle of the street when North Miami Police officers pulled their
guns on the pair. Kinsey, who had both his hands up, calmly told the police
that the autistic patient was playing with a toy truck and that neither of them
were armed. One of the SWAT officers fired three shots, wounding Kinsey.
Kinsey was quoted as saying, “Once I’ve got my hands up they’re not
going to shoot me, this is what I’m thinking, they’re not going to shoot me …
Wow was I wrong.”
V is for voters – voters in the UK and the US clearly decided
to shake things up. Unfortunately, the rest of the world that didn’t have a say
in those elections will, no doubt, feel the impact.
W is for will – it shocked many that Prince died without a
will. So many people commented that they thought it was unbelievable he didn’t
have one, given his many lawyers and advisors. I’m sure his advisors urged him
to make a will, but clearly he decided not to. You know, there’s nothing wrong
with deciding not to – after all – inaction is a decision too… maybe not one
others would make, but a decision all the same.
X is for xtreme reactions – I realize policing is hard,
dangerous work. But too many stories surfaced this year where an officer’s
willingness to shoot surely was an extreme reaction.
Y is for yes – We all know that “no means no”. For the next
few year’s we’re all going to find out what “yes” really means. I wonder if all
those who said yes to Brexit and yes to Trump will come to regret their yeses…
Z is for zika virus – though the zika story has fallen from
the headlines, I think governments and scientists should be putting a herculean
effort into coming up with a vaccine. If they don’t, the old adage that says
you can pay me now, or you can pay me later will surely kick in. Without a
vaccine, those infected will suffer their whole life, not to mention that they’ll
be a huge burden on the healthcare system their whole life.
There you have it – the words and thoughts that mark 2016
for me.
I’m not very optimistic about 2017. About the best I can muster is to say I
think we’re in for a bumpy ride. So, my toast to the new year is just: “Let’s
hope for the best”.
© 2016 Ingrid Sapona
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